Wednesday, 23 October 2013

Representative of Law Association 法律學會代表 Li Chee Wing 李芷穎

香港大學素以其國際化教育為譽, 上至校長,下至學生均強調國際視野、開放思維。以此為目







等院校普遍入學要求成績, 仍有大約三成人不獲錄取。有學者推算資助大學學額須增至約三萬








有學者提出調低非本地生限額會導致大學之國際化程度減弱,間接令教育質素下降。然而, 非



香港作為知識型社會,日後發展均由 接受高等教育的下一代帶領。香港大學應調低錄取非本地


The University of Hong Kong (HKU) is renowned for its excellent international exposure.

Members of the University, from the Vice-Chancellor to ordinary students, emphasize a lot on

international insight and open-mindedness. The University has implemented related policies

to fulfil such aims and admit overseas students with distinct cultural backgrounds.

Nevertheless, admitting non-local students is never the only way to achieve the above goals.

Base on the status quo in Hong Kong, HKU should reduce the maximum intake of non-local


In the previous year, 16% of all newly admitted students in HKU are non- locals. The figure is

approximately 5 times of that 10 years ago (3%). However, the intake of local students has

only increased for 10% in 10 years. Additionally, the proportion of students receiving

territorial education is still very low when comparing with neighbour countries, such as

Taiwan, South Korea and Mainland cities. Worse still, only 70% of the students who fulfilled

the minimum requirements of receiving territorial education can be admitted. Scholars

suggest that 30,000 admission quotas for local applicants will be required to admit all

students who passed the threshold. In such circumstances, it is unwise and unfair for the

University to insist on placing resources on non-local students. Such misallocation of

resources is the main factor contributing to the shortage of local students’ admission

quotas. With the increase of intake of non-local applicants, the situation has been worsening

in the previous 10 years.

Nowadays, the maximum intake of non-local applicants to HKU is 20% of all newly admitted

students, in which 4% is funded by the Government. It means that there are about 130 non-
local students occupying the resources of local students each year. Reducing the maximum

intake of non-local applicants to HKU, particularly government-funded quotas, is essential to

raise the opportunity of local students to receive territorial education.

Some scholars pointed out that reducing quotas for admitting non-local applicants would

impact the internationality of the University and thus the quality of education. Nonetheless,

the proportion of non-local students is not the only criteria in assessing the internationality of

the University. Other win-win policies, for example raising the number of exchange students,

increasing international platforms for intellectual exchange, lowering the threshold of

overseas internships, will be more effective and efficient.

Hong Kong is a knowledge-based economy. Our development is all depending on the future

generations. HKU should reduce the maximum intake of non-local applicants in order to

reallocate resources to better equip the local students, who hold the future of Hong Kong.

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